Saturday, January 3, 2009

Revamping Old Tees

I have drawer upon drawer of old t-shirts and I'm sure I am not the only one, especially for those who are in school somewhere. I have tons of t-shirts from clubs, sports teams I watch and those I played on, sorority events, volunteering opportunities, and so on. After all the drawers at my moms house filled up too, I decided it was time to take action. Last summer, I decided I was going to make a t-shirt quilt. I got the idea from a friend who made her own but I cannot sew. I figure any tailor shop could put the final pieces together for me, right? I've already started cutting the shirts I love but don't wear anymore into cute, little squares. They are sitting, mid-project, in my closet.

I just came across a blog on (who I'm only mildly obsessed with) with a few more ideas for the old tees. They gave ideas such as, pillows, shopping bags, quilts, and pillow cubes. If anyone tries these out, let me know how it works out for you. It could be a weekend project and if you're anything like me, the new drawer space is reward enough, not to mention the recycling.

Posting this, I fell in love with the website!! They even have a blog I can subscribe to, as if I need that.

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